Analyzing your metrics

Learn how to save time by setting up your test based on the data you need so you can quickly analyze your metrics

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Good test planning

Consider the following before creating your test plan and building your study:

  • Research goals
  • Research questions
  • Participants
  • Stakeholders
  • Assets
  • Timing

View our short video to learn more about safeguards and setup that will help you clean your data:



Creating an action plan for viewing video sessions

Consider which parts of the video will be necessary to watch: 

  • Task/verbal response: Begin by watching and annotating the core tasks
  • Rating scale: Look for outliers to guide which sessions to watch
  • Multiple choice: Look for the number of participants who select a specific response
  • Written response: Review and summarize



Keep your analysis focused

  • Return to your research plan to ensure you’re staying in scope
  • Align with research and business objectives
    • Did you answer the questions or is more research needed?
  • Focus on what is actionable and compelling
    • What is the outcome of this data and test?
    • What can you do as a result of this information?
    • Can you link it to engineering/product/marking etc.?
    • Don’t forget the positive feedback



UserTesting analysis tools

  • Notes and clips: Type notes and create clips while watching the videos
  • Tasks: Shows all tasks in the test and provides quick access to the feedback for each task
  • Transcript: Highlighting quotes verbatim allows you to capture and save contributor quotes
  • Answers: Any written answers given by the contributors



Using metrics strategically for efficient analysis

Consider formatting your questions to leverage UserTesting AI features to speed up analysis.

When looking at charts, graphs, transcripts, etc., ask these questions:

  • Are there clear trends?
  • Interesting patterns?
  • Surprising responses?
  • Are your objectives satisfied?
  • Did trends defy expectations? 
  • Low and mixed ratings can be disappointing, but they indicate sessions contain valuable insights that can help improve the experience. 
    • Investigate by clicking on the rating and see what experiences led to the rating.



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