Getting Started with UserZoom GO's Unmoderated Studies - Part 2

Screener Questions & Study Greetings.

This is part two of Getting Started with Unmoderated Studies. If you haven't already, please read part one:

Getting Started with Unmoderated Studies

Number of responses If you're using your own participants for a study, you can define a specific number of responses you want to receive, or choose to leave it open and then manually close the study when you have enough responses.

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Please note: If you're using UserZoom GO's Panel of participants, you'll be required to choose the number of responses you want, as you will be charged for each valid response.

Screener Questions

Screener questions are asked before a test participant starts a study.

They provide a way to ensure you get responses from the right target audience, and also provide a way to gather pre-study information.

Multiple Choice Questions Multiple choice questions provide a way to filter potential test participants in order to ensure you get responses from the right target audience. You determine if a participant qualifies or not for a study based on their answers.

You can define whether the test participant can choose multiple answers or just one answer. For each answer, you have three options:

Must Select Use this option if the test participant must select this answer in order to qualify. If the user does not choose this answer, they will be disqualified. You can create multiple Must Select answers, but a user must choose all of them to qualify.

Please note: You do not need to choose Must Select for any of your answers. In cases where the participant can choose only one answer, it usually makes more sense to only use the May Select and Disqualify options (see below)

May Select If a user chooses any May Select answers, they will still qualify.

Disqualify If a user selects any of these answers, they will be disqualified regardless of any other answer they chose.

For example, let's say you want to talk to people who in the past 12 months purchased an item from, but have not purchased an item from
Here's what it would look like:

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Please note: In order to make sure you get the best possible participants, please read our Screener Writing Tips + Tricks

Participant Greeting The participant is presented with the greeting AFTER they complete the screener. You can update the title, message, and call to action button text:

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Here's what it looks like for the participant.

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Participants’ Contact Information If you choose to ask the participant for their name and email, you'll see it on the results page of your study -

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If you do not ask for name and email, or if it's optional and they do not fill out the information, you'll get generic identifiers for the videos as such:

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Study Preview


Before launching a study, you should always always always preview it! We cannot emphasize this enough! Once you've launched a study you cannot change it!

Using the preview link, you can run the test as if you were a test participant. Simply copy the preview URL and go through the study:

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Please note: Preview studies will not show up on your dashboard.

Notifying your team

You can select which people on your team you would like to get email notifications when recordings are available. Great for collaborating and keeping people in the loop.

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Launching your study

Once you're ready to launch the study (you did preview it, right?), just click the launch button and you're good to go!

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Bonus Tip: Even though the dialog box says you cannot make edits after launch, you actually can change the text in your study, but cannot change anything else. For example, you can fix a typo or reword a question.

Please provide any feedback you have on this article. Your feedback will be used to improve the article and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Article evaluations will remain completely confidential unless you request a follow-up. 

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