How do I create a clip?

To create clips, you'll need Researcher or Owner permissions on the workspace.

On the Results tab, where you watch all your session videos, click on Create clip.

See the video below for an overview.


There is a start and end time field so you can be specific to the second.


Your clip will be generated in a few seconds. It could take up to a minute, depending on how long the clip is. (If it seems to be taking longer, you can also try to refresh the page.)

The clip will show up below your session videos. You must refresh your page to see the video.


What if you want to rename a clip?

You are able to edit the names of your clips in your dashboard. See the GIF below:


The Insights report will not automatically update these changes, but you can delete and then re-create the Insights report with the updated names.

Sharing Clips

Once the clip is generated, select the black arrow seen below. A window will appear giving you a couple of options:


  1. Private sharing for Researchers or Collaborators in your Userzoom Go workspace.
  2. Generate a public share link for anyone who isn't in your workspace and doesn't have a Userzoom Go login.

Once you have the link you need, copy and paste it into an email or direct message to send it out.

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