Using Phone Audio with Moderated Desktop Sessions

During a desktop moderated session, the Moderator and Test Participant now have the option to use their mobile phone or landline instead of their computer microphone for audio during the session.

Please note: At this time we only support dialing out to a phone number you provide. We do not yet support dialing into the session. See details below.


Once you have joined the session on your desktop, you now have an option in the Devices tab: “Switch to Phone Audio” (see image below).  

Simply enter your phone number and UserZoom GO will call you. As soon as you pick up the call, your desktop audio connection will be disabled, though you will continue to use the desktop for video and screen sharing.

Please Note: The Phone Audio option does not exist for Observers. They will not see the option under the Devices panel. 

What if my computer does not have a microphone?

No problem. Just begin the moderated session on your desktop or laptop. If you join without a microphone connected, you will receive an error message like this:


Simply "click here to join anyway" and will be placed in the waiting room. When the moderator starts the session, you will be prompted to type in your phone number immediately after joining.

Is there a conference line option with a pin # that I can call into?

Not at this time.

Can an observer or a colleague use a dial-in option to join a session via audio-only on their mobile device?

Not at this time. Phone support is currently supported only for moderators or test participants in the event of audio issues so that their desktop interview can continue. There are plans to allow for a mobile web option for observers.

What happens if I drop the phone call?

If you end the call on your phone, or the phone connection drops for any reason, the computer microphone will automatically try to reconnect. You can always enter your phone number again to continue the call.

What happens if my wifi drops out and my computer is no longer connected to the internet?

Your phone connection will also be disconnected. You will need to connect again via your computer and type in your phone number once again.

Will UserZoom GO be identified on Caller ID?

Not at this time.

Reminder: This phone number option is only applicable for desktop moderated sessions. If your test participant joins your moderated session from our iOS or Android app, they will not see the Phone Audio option.

Note: Phone Audio Support is not available on Free Trial accounts

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