Unmoderated studies for native iOS apps, new link sharing options, and more.
We've added some cool features to Validately. Here’s what's new and improved:
- Unmoderated Studies for Native iOS Apps
- #hashtags #everywhere #sorrynotsorry
- >More Options for Sharing Links
- Higher Video Recording Quality
- Updates to Scheduling Calendar
- And so much more coming soon…
Unmoderated Studies for Native iOS Apps …
In addition to our Moderated native iOS App testing which we released in April, you can now run unmoderated studies on any app that lives in the App store. Same great tasks and questions as with desktop and mobile web testing.
And as with moderated iOS testing, you do NOT need an SDK or an IPA file. Just grab the iTunes app store url and go! With this release, it is only for use with our Validately panel.
If you’re interested in the beta for BYO test participants on unmoderated native iOS apps, please reply to this email.
#hastags #make #easier #coding #analysis
Months ago we introduced a synthesis coding technique inside Validately we call #hashtags. Now, your most frequently used hashtags will appear above every note field box. Hashtags are aggregated at the Owner level. Check out our recap of #hashtags here and don’t forget to include them in your Insight Report.
Private Link Sharing
Share links now include a private option. You can share links to specific recordings, clips, or insight reports without making them public on the web. Anyone with a Validately account, including Collaborators can view private links.
And from our awesome Moderated team
Moderated session video recording quality has been improved. Recordings are now played back at 720p (up from 480p). Live moderated sessions were already at 720p (or higher depending on connectivity) and now the recording is played back at the same quality.
Also if you use our Moderated Scheduling, the scheduling emails we send now include an Add to your calendar link and an *.ics file. No more Validately shared calendar. Validately, nor any test participants will know who else is on the calendar.
Coming soon
If any of these sound interesting and you want to learn more, just reply to this email :)
- A presentation style view of the Insights Report
- Slack integration
- @mention your teammate to share an insight or bring them directly to a video
- If there’s anything else you think we should be working on, please let us know
Please provide any feedback you have on this article. Your feedback will be used to improve the article and should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. Article evaluations will remain completely confidential unless you request a follow-up.