UserZoom GO Plugin for Adobe XD

How to use UserZoom GO's Plugin for Adobe XD

What is the UserZoom GO plugin?

The UserZoom GO plugin for Adobe XD allows you to create unmoderated think-out-loud tests from within Adobe XD. For moderated tests, please continue to build those at

How to build a study in UserZoom GO plugin for Adobe XD

Below is a step-by-step guide to building and launching a usability test with the UserZoom GO plugin for Adobe XD.

1. Install the UserZoom GO plugin for Adobe XD from the Adobe XD Plugin Marketplace.

2. Log into your account using your existing UserZoom GO credentials. If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it here. If you don’t have an account yet, sign up to a 14 day free trial.


3. Select the workspace that you want to build your study in.

Tip: If you have just created a free trial and are not familiar with workspaces, no problem. A workspace is created for you by default. Find out more about workspaces here.

You will only see unmoderated 'bring-your-own users' studies in the XD dashboard.


4. Click “+ New study” to create a new study.

5. Give the study a name, who you want to get feedback from and the device type you want testers to complete the study on.

Note: a free trial only provides the ability to test with your own users.


6. Select the prototype you wish to use in the study. Remember, if you cannot see your prototype in the selector, make sure you’ve generated a Public Share Link for it (we recommend the user testing preset).4.png


7. Add pre-study questions (optional).

Tip: These could be additional demographic questions that you could use to gather information about your testers before they begin your tasks. Something like:

Multiple-choice: How often do you use the internet?

  • Every day
  • 3 - 5 Days a week
  • 1 - 3 Days a week
  • Once a week
  • Hardly Ever


8. Add tasks for your users to complete. Make sure you add clear, concise tasks and a scenario to set the scene!

Tip: This could be something like “Imagine you’ve been asked to book a virtual team-building event and have a budget of $500. Whilst using this prototype website, find an activity that is suitable for your team of 5. Remember to speak your thoughts, expectations and concerns aloud!”

See how to add a task in the GIF below.


You have the option to start tasks on specific artboard/screens and set a success page by choosing them from dropdown menus. The two dropdown menus will give you a list of the names that you have given the artboards/screens in your shared prototype.

Tip: Choosing start and success pages to allow you to create multiple UserZoom GO tasks that start at different points on your prototype and automatically mark participants as 'successful' if they reach your specified success page. This means that you don’t have to create separate prototypes for each journey you want to test.

E.g. For one task you might want to start the participant on the Home screen, but for the second task start them on a different artboard/screen. Success pages are useful as they allow you to test whether a participant really does end up where you think they’ll end up given the task you set them. Remember, not getting to the "Success page" is equally important as getting to the success page. The participant will not be aware if they have reached the success page and is told to move on when they *think* they are done. You’ll see if participants reached the page or not in the Results section.

You can also add task-specific questions (optional) to probe for extra feedback.

Tip: These could be a rating scale question such as: “How easy or difficult was it to complete this task?” you could even add a Text question too: “Please explain why you have given that rating...”


9. If you have any final, wrap-up questions you can also add follow-up questions (optional).

Tip: These are questions that users will complete after they’ve attempted all of the tasks you have set them. These are typically wrap-up questions and could be a rating scale, something like: “Overall, how satisfied or unsatisfied were you when using the prototype today?” You can probe for why they gave that rating by adding a Text question afterward!

10. Specify how many tester responses you’d like, and add a tester greeting. A tester greeting is important: this is one of the first screens your test participants will see when they enter your test.


Tip: Try to include some background information without giving away the entire premise of your study! Also it’s worth giving an estimate of how long the test will take to complete.

11. If you have a UserZoom GO subscription and are recruiting participants with the Automated Panel, you can specify the demographic criteria with the “+ Demographics” button in the Options section.9._demographics.gif

12. Add screener questions (optional). These will be completed by participants before they enter the study. You can use these to screen out participants that don’t fit your recruitment criteria. More information on Screeners here.


Tip: These are questions you can configure for prospective participants to complete. Screener questions make sure that participants fit your criteria (in addition to the options set in step 13). Try to avoid “Yes/No” questions in your screeners as they tend to be easy to guess and can be very leading! 

13. Preview your test as if you were a test participant and share the preview link with your team. If something looks wrong or doesn’t flow correctly, return to the previous sections to make amendments to your tasks and questions.


14. Make any amendments that are needed, then hit 'Launch your study'!

15. When you have some responses, go to the plugin’s dashboard and click “View results” for the study you want to view. You’ll be taken directly to those videos in the browser to watch and analyse them for useful insights.



How do I log in to my account?

Simply use your existing UserZoom GO username and password to login into the Plugin. If you cannot remember your password you can reset it here.

Can I start a free trial from within the plugin?

Yes, once you’ve installed the plugin, select “Sign up” and enter your information. You’ll then be able to take advantage of a full UserZoom GO free trial (more information here)

My prototype isn’t showing in the selector?

Please ensure you have created a Public Share Link for the prototype you wish to test. You can choose any one of the five presets to create a public or private link for an XD file. We would recommend using the User Testing share link preset for testing your prototype.

Here is a link to Adobe’s guide on creating public share links

What types of questions can I add?

Open Text Questions

Open-ended multi-line text area they can fill out.

Multiple Choice Questions

List of options they can choose from.

Rating Questions

This allows users to give a numeric score. You can choose the low score (zero or one) and the high score (3 to 10) and also provide a label for the low and high scores.

Where can I add questions?

You can add questions in three places: pre-study questions before the tasks are attempted by users, questions directly after each of your tasks, and follow-up questions that will be shown after all tasks have been attempted.

Who can I test my study with?

If you have paid for access to UserZoom’s automated panel, you can find more information here.

If you have a free trial, you can only Bring-Your-Own (BYO) users. That means you can generate a test-link URL that users can click to enter your study.

Will changes made to my study be reflected in

Yes, and vice versa. Changes made to studies on the website will be reflected in the plugin. You may have to refresh Adobe XD, however. Note: Some study settings will not be editable after launch. More information here.

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