April 2020 | Product Updates

No Moderated Extension Required

We are very excited to let you know that a browser extension is no longer needed for moderated studies! Also, remember that moderated now works in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (the native Windows browser).

Most users set up their studies to show the browser bar, and in that case, the test participants will not need to install an extension to share their screen. This is MOST helpful when running moderated studies with your own test participants (BYO).

Prototype full screen and test participant webcam always on top

We have also changed the design and functionality of the webcam during screen-share. When the test participant starts the screen share they will be asked to pop-out their webcam. This allows for the test participant's camera view to always be on top of all other windows, even if a new tab is opened.


Uploading your own moderated video to a Moderated Study

If you are on the Enterprise plan, it is now possible to upload videos to your moderated studies! Videos must be in MP4 format, but can be from anywhere, such as another Validately moderated session, WebEx, Zoom, mobile phone, etc). Yes, you can create clips with these uploaded videos. Yes, you can add time-stamped notes. Learn more about that here

Update to our slack integration

We have updated our slack integration so it no longer includes the test participants' email in the notification. No PII for the win!


Closing your Moderated studies with Scheduling

It is possible to close your moderated study, even if you have not yet reached your requested number of responses. If for example, you're at 5/8 responses and you are ready to wrap up this research! If you are not ready to close the study we will also remind you to add more times to the study.

A final quick reminder about shifting to remote research

We know a lot of you are now having to shift to do all your research online for the first time. Though there are many tools out there, here are some great reasons why using Validately for your moderated research will make your life much easier.

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