How to launch an unreleased Android App test

Use these steps to launch an unreleased Andriod App test.

This article applies to: ut logo tiny.pngUserTesting 

  1. Log into your dashboard.
  2. Select Create test, then choose Think-out-loud test under the Unmoderated test options.
    create test_new.png
  3. Choose App.
  4. Select your audience.
  5. Link or upload your app file. You can provide a public link to your app build or upload your APK file by dragging and dropping.
  6. Use a saved audience or create from scratch.
    Note: For app tests, contributors can use a tablet or smartphone.
  7. Build your test plan.
    Provide basic instructions to help testers get in the right frame of mind.Screen_Shot_2022-02-04_at_1.17.19_PM.png
  8. Drag and drop the questions and tasks you'd like contributors to complete during your test.
    Pro Tip: You may include the following as your final task: "Please record yourself uninstalling the app from your device."
  9. Review and launch test. 



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