Qualtrics Test Questions

At a Glance

The Qualtrics survey platform specializes in collecting data related to user experiences. Integrating with UserTesting allows you to connect your Qualtrics surveys with UserTesting tests to get human insights into your survey results, discovering the why behind your what.


Below you'll find the pre-built questions available in our pre-built tests.


Test Questions


Advertising Creative Testing

  1. Please describe in your own words the main message of the ad you saw.
  2. Think about the image from the advertisement that you saw in the survey. Please describe anything you particularly liked or disliked about the ad.
  3. Describe how the ad made you feel.
  4. If you had a magic wand, how would you improve the ad?



Brand Perceptions

  1. Think about the brands you saw in the survey. What do you consider to be the **most** important attribute when making a purchase?
  2. Please explain the answer you chose in the previous question aloud.
  3. What do you consider to be the **least** important attribute when making a purchase?
  4. Please explain the answer you chose in the previous question aloud.
  5. If you had a magic wand, what would make a brand the best? 



Brand Performance

  1. Consider the brand you reflected on in the survey. Describe how well this brand fits your practical needs. Feel free to provide examples to illustrate your points.
  2. Think about the quality of the brand from the survey. Please explain what you think is particularly good or bad about the brand’s quality.
  3. If price were not a consideration, how likely or unlikely are you to purchase products or services of this brand in the future? Please explain more about your thoughts on pricing. 
  4. If you had a magic wand, what would make a brand the best? 



COVID-19 Customer Confidence

  1. Please spend a few minutes summarizing your responses in the survey. Describe the reasoning behind why you answered the questions in the way you did. Feel free to use examples to illustrate your points.
  2. Explain your opinion about the actions our company is taking regarding COVID-19.
  3. Describe anything that you would change or improve about how our company is handling the changing COVID-19 situation? Feel free to use examples to illustrate your points.



Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

  1. Think about your survey response about your most recent interaction with our company. Describe anything you particularly liked or disliked about the interaction. Feel free to use examples to illustrate your points.
  2. Based on your most recent interaction with our company, please explain what influences your decision to purchase our products or services again?
  3. Based on your most recent interaction with our company, what would you say about our products or services to a friend or family member?
  4. Please share any additional thoughts about your most recent interaction with our company.



General Follow-Up

  1. Please spend 2–3 minutes summarizing your responses in the survey. Describe the reasoning behind why you answered the questions in the way you did. Feel free to use examples to illustrate your points.
  2. Share any additional thoughts you have about the topic of the survey.



Product Concept Testing

  1. Based on the description, how interested would you be in buying this product or service if priced within your budget? (1=Not at all interested, 5= Very interested)
  2. Please explain the rating you gave in the previous question aloud.
  3. What, if anything, do you consider to be most compelling about this concept?
  4. What, if anything, would this concept need to have to be valuable to you?
  5. What barriers, if any, would prevent you from being interested in purchasing this product or service?


Product Optimization

  1. What do you consider to be **most** important when making a purchasing decision for this product?
  2. Please explain the answer you chose in the previous question aloud.
  3. What do you consider to be **least** important when making a purchasing decision for this product?
  4. Please explain the answer you chose in the previous question aloud.



Product Satisfaction 

  1. Think about the last time you used this product. Now, spend a few minutes telling us about that last time you used it.
  2. Is what you just explained the typical way you use this product? How else have you used it?
  3. How did you first learn about this product?
  4. How likely would you be to buy this product again? (1=Not at all likely, 5= Very likely)
  5. Please explain the rating you gave in the previous question aloud.
  6. Overall, how satisfied are you with this product? (!=Not at all satisfied, 5=Very satisfied)
  7. Please explain the rating you gave in the previous question aloud.
  8. Is there anything about this product that you would change or improve? Why or why not?
  9. If you did not currently have this product, tell us how you would learn more about products like this that are available.



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