Troubleshooting Video player issues

Consider these tips when you're troubleshooting Video player issues.

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About Video player issues

  • A video playback issue could be traced to a variety of causes.
  • Typically, the culprit for playback failure or sluggishness is either a network issue on the customer’s side or the customer’s IT department's VPN (virtual private network) or firewall blocking the service.
  • We recommend that you perform some diagnostics on your end, perhaps working with your IT team, to determine whether you can resolve the issue.
  • Video playback bugs are rare, and we advise following the troubleshooting tips in the next section before canceling or replacing a video.



Troubleshooting tips

  • If the video file name includes the following characters, it will cause playback issues: ?, ", \ , &, #
  • Try playing the video in other browsers and an incognito/private browser window.
    • Does the video play in either? 
  • Try playing the video on a different network, such as your company’s guest network or a non-work network. If you’re on Wi-Fi, try connecting to a wired connection. 
  • Try clearing your browser's cache and cookies.
  • Are your colleagues encountering the same issue?
    • If not, this indicates an issue with your personal computer or browser settings. 
  • If possible, check to see whether the video plays on a different computer.
  • Does your company use a firewall or VPN?
    • If it does, try disabling them to see if that allows you to play the video.
  • If there is a VPN/firewall in place?
    • Ask your IT department to add the IP addresses found in this Knowledgebase article to a whitelist/allow list.
  • Are you able to play other videos from a different test?
    • Videos from different tests with playback problems strongly indicate that something on your end is preventing them from playing and requires further troubleshooting with your IT team.

Note: If you need help with the steps listed above or if the self-serve diagnostics don’t resolve the issue, please contact UserTesting Support


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