Resources Related to COVID-19

At a Glance

This page highlights resources intended to help our customers as they navigate the current challenges related to the global health situation, including templates in the Platform and our Human Insights Portal.


COVID-19 templates

We have created test plan templates to provide a framework to help you better understand how behaviors, expectations, and perceptions have shifted during the pandemic. 

In order to capture the unique changes that have occurred and continue to impact employee and customer experiences, we are sharing industry-specific templates that support the retail and grocery, and restaurant and food-service industries. 

How to Use the Templates

To access these templates, you will need to have an active UserTesting account and be logged in.

1. Choose Customize a template from the Create test drop-down menu.


2. Then, access the industry-specific templates under the Social topics category in the Template Gallery.

Look over the templates. When you find the one that best suits your needs, move your cursor over the tile. Click the Use this template button displays to access the template.


3. Then, click Next in the Test plan preview dialog box. You are taken to a Create test page, where you have the choice of building your study by either selecting your audience or editing the template.

Let's start by editing your template. Select Edit from the Test plan summary section.


ⓘ NoteIf you are using any of the General Business templates, be sure to update the [brackets] within the tasks so it’s the activity/company/website that you are interested in learning about. 


In addition to the resources in our Learn More section below, refer to the UserTesting's COVID-19 Human Insight Portal, which includes information to help you and your customers navigate these still uncertain times.

Learn More

Want to learn more about this topic? Check out our University courses:

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